Mafia Wars Bangkok FAQ

Due to popular demand, I have put together a frequently asked questions guide so that you can have a fast reference sheet for all your Mafia Wars Bangkok questions.

When will Mafia Wars Bangkok be available for everyone?

Not sure; they promised to have it out by the end of the month, but the month is rapidly ending. A recent statement suggested that it won't be released until it is completely bug free. On the other hand, it will be available "soon" according to their Facebook page.

Do I pick Triads or Yakuza?

See the Triads or Yakuza post for an in-depth explanation on the differences between siding with the Triads or the Yakuza.

What kind of new loot is there?

- Triad or Yakuza specific loot can be found in the Triads vs Yakuza post (linked above).
- Faction store loot pieces can be found in the faction post.
- Store loot pieces can be seen in the new loot post.
- New job mastery rewards can be found in the Bangkok Job Mastery Reward Items post.
- New Bangkok Collections and Boosts

My special energy pack no longer works. Where can I get the Mafia Wars Toolbar; the link disappeared. Help?

You can re-download the toolbar at If you have it installed and it does not work, try re-installing or using a different internet browser. A lot of people have reported that re-installing has fixed this problem.

Alternatively, I found a solid post by a guy named Arun detailing how you can get the mini energy pack without the toolbar. Here's how:

1. Log into Facebook.

2. Go here:

3. Click "log in" and allow whatever you need to to get to the next screen. If you don't get a log in screen, you've already done this before; proceed to step 4.

4. Go here:

5. The end!

It probably won't work for long, but enjoy in the mean time.

I need money; help?

Covered in the Earning Baht post.

When will Mafia Wars Compendium be updated for Bangkok?

Soon after Bangkok's live release. I need for Bangkok to move out of beta and into the live version before making any major decisions or revisions.

I hear Bangkok loot is not tradeable? Is this true?

Yes, currently, Bangkok loot is not tradeable. However, the game is in beta. When beta is lifted, I am guessing that trading will open up.

However, it is unlikely that items from the faction store will be tradeable. I am guessing that the two high-end armor pieces will remain best in slot after the release of later episodes. I am also guessing that the other pieces in the store will not be as good as loot drops, so you will only have 2 out of 6 best in slot pieces that are untradeable.

I do not think this will be a big deal because once robbing and fighting are introduced to Bangkok, I'm betting players will be able to earn tons of $B. Remember that in other cities you can win $65,000 per fight, which means that you could end up with quite a few extra armor pieces by emptying out a 100-point stamina bar.


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